ISO/IEC TECHNICAL REPORT TR 13066-3 First edition 2012-09-15 Information technology Interoperability with Assistive Technology (AT) - Part 3: IAccessible2 accessibility application programming interface (APl) Technologies de I'information Interopérabilite avec les technologies d'assistance- Partie 3: Interface de programmation d'applications (APl) d'accessibilité lAccessible2 Reference number ISO/IEC TR 13066-3:2012(E) IEC so @ISO/IEC2012 I without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO/IEC TR 13066-3:2012(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT ISO/IEC2012 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either isO at the address below or IsO's memberbody in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56. CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail
[email protected] Web Published in Switzerland @ ISO/IEC 2012 - All rights reserved py IHS unde ermitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO/IEC TR 13066-3:2012(E) Contents Page Foreword Introduction. 1 Scope 2 Terms and definitions. 3 General Description 3.1 General Description .. 3.2 Architecture .... 4 Using the API.. 4.1 Overview........ 4.2 UserInterfaceelements. 4.3 Getting and setting focus... 4.4 4.5 Introduction to Programming interface.... 4.5.1 CoM Interface .... .8 5 Exposing User Interface Element Information .. .8 5.1 Role, state(s), boundary, name, and description of the user interface element. .9 5.2 Current value and any minimum or maximum values, if the user interface element represents one of a range of values... .9 5.3 Text contents, text attributes, and the boundary of text rendered to the screen.... 10 5.4 The relationship of the user interface element to other user interface elements .......10 5.4.1 In a single data value, whether this user interface element is a label for another user interface element or is labelled by another user interface element... ..10 5.4.2 In a table, the row and column that it is in, including headers of the row and column if 5.4.3 In a hierarchical relationship, any parent containing the user interface element, and any children contained by the user interface element ..... .10 6 Exposing User Interface Element Actions.. ..11 7 Keyboard Focus 11 8 Events.. 11 8.1 changesintheuserinterfaceelementvalue.. 12 8.2 changes in the name of the user interface element..... 8.3 changes in the description of the user interface element. ..12 8.4 changes in the boundary of the user interface element... 12 8.5 changes in the hierarchy of the user interface element.. 12 9 Programmatic Modifications of States, Properties, Values, and Text .... 12 10 Design Considerations 13 10.1 13 10.1.1 The IAccessible2Proxy.dll..... .13 10.1.2 Using IAccessibleApplication to get Application's name and version... 13 10.1.3 Discovering Interfaces and Services.... 10.1.4 Component - building block of widgets .. 14 10.1.5 Discovering actions on accessible objects... 15 10. Working with images...... 16 10.1.7 Working with number values .... 10.1.8 Working with tables.... .17 10.1.9 Working with text.. 18 10.1.10 Object relations . .20 CopyrightIntemationalOganansandadization Allrightsreserved ili ted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO IEC TR 13066-3 2012 Information technology — Interoperability with assistive technology (AT) — Part 3 IAccessible2 accessibility application
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