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FINAL INTERNATIONAL ISO/ DRAFT STANDARD IEC/IEEE FDIS 42010 ISO/IECJTC1/SC7 Software, systems and enterprise Secretariat: BIS Architecture description Voting begins on: 2022-04-21 Votingterminates on: 2022-06-16 RECIPIENTS OF THIS DRAFT ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT, WITH THEIR COMMENTS,NOTIFICATION OF ANY RELEVANT PATENT RIGHTS OF WHICH DOCUMENTATION IEC IN ADDITION TOTHEIR EVALUATION AS Reference number BEING ACCEPTABLE FOR INDUSTRIAL, TECHNO- LOGICAL,COMMERCIAL AND USER PURPOSES, IS0/IEC/IEEEFDIS42010:2022(E) DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS MAY ON OCCASION HAVE TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE LIGHT OF THEIR POTENTIAL TO BECOME STAN- DARDS TO WHICH REFERENCE MAY BE MADE IN @IS0/IEC2022 NATIONAL REGULATIONS IEEE2022 IS0/IEC/IEEEFDIS42010:2022(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS0/IEC2022 IEEE2022 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO or IEEE at the respective address below or Iso's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office InstituteofElectricalandElectronics Engineers,Inc Blandonnet8 3 Park Avenue, New York CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva NY10016-5997,USA Phone: +4122 749 01 11 Fax: +41 22 749 09 47 Email:[email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: Website: Published inSwitzerland ii @IS0/IEC2022-All rights reserved @IEEE2022-All rightsreserved ISO/IEC/IEEEFDIS42010:2022(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V Introduction. .vii 1 Scope... 2 Normativereferences 3 Terms and definitions 4 Conformance ..5 5 Conceptual foundations. .5 5.1 General. .5 5.2 Conceptual models ofan architecture description 5.2.1 Context of architecture description 6 5.2.2 Architectures andarchitecture descriptions 5.2.3 Stakeholders and concerns .7 5.2.4 Stakeholderperspectives 5.2.5 Aspects .8 5.2.6 Architectureconsiderations .9 5.2.7 Architectureviews andarchitectureviewpoints 9 5.2.8 Modelkinds,legendsandarchitectureviewcomponents .11 5.2.9 Architecturedescription (AD)elements. ..12 5.2.10 Viewmethods. .12 5.2.11 ADelementcorrespondence. ..13 5.2.12 Architecture decisions and rationale .14 5.3 Architecturedescription inthelifecycle ..15 5.4 Architecturedescriptionframeworksandlanguages .15 5.4.1 General ..15 5.4.2 Architecturedescriptionframeworks .15 5.4.3 ADFutilization. ..17 5.4.4 Architecture description languages .18 6 Specificationofanarchitecturedescription .19 6.1 Architecturedescription identification and overview. 19 6.2 Identification ofstakeholders.. 20 6.3 Identificationofstakeholderperspectives 20 6.4 Identification ofconcerns 21 6.5 Identification ofaspects. 21 6.6 Inclusion ofarchitectureviewpoints 21 6.7 Inclusionofarchitectureviews 22 6.8 Inclusionofviewcomponents 22 6.9 Recording ofarchitecture correspondences 23 6.9.1 Consistencywithinan architecturedescription 23 6.9.2 Correspondences. 23 6.9.3 Correspondence methods. 23 6.10 Recording ofarchitecturedecisions and rationale 24 6.10.1 Decision recording. 24 6.10.2 Rationale recording .25 7 Architecture description frameworks and architecture description languages .25 7.1 Specificationofanarchitecturedescriptionframework .25 7.2 Specification ofanarchitecturedescription language .27 8 Architectureviewpoints and model kinds .27 8.1 Specificationofanarchitectureviewpoint .27 8.2 Specification ofa model kind. .28 8.3 View methods.. .28 AnnexA (informative)Notesontermsandconcepts .29 @IS0/IEC 2022 -All rights reserved iii @IEEE2022-All rights reserved IS0/IEC/IEEEFDIS42010:2022(E) AnnexB (informative)Guidelinestospecificationofarchitectureviewpoints .40 AnnexC(informative)Relationshiptootherstandards 44 AnnexD (informative)Usesofarchitecturedescriptions .51 AnnexE (informative)Architecture and architecturedescription lifecycles 53 AnnexF(informative)Architecturedescriptionframeworks .55 Bibliography .59 IEEE Notices and Abstract .62 iv IS0/IEC 2022-All righ

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ISO IEC IEEE FDIS 42010-2022(E) Software, systems and enterprise—Architecture description 第 1 页 ISO IEC IEEE FDIS 42010-2022(E) Software, systems and enterprise—Architecture description 第 2 页 ISO IEC IEEE FDIS 42010-2022(E) Software, systems and enterprise—Architecture description 第 3 页
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