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ASISO/IEC/IEEE42020:2019 ISO/IEC/IEEE42020:2019 ASISO/IEC/IEEE42020:2019 Australian STANDARD Software,systems and enterprise Architecture processes STANDARDS Australia ASISO/IEC/IEEE42020:2019 This Australian Standard? was prepared by IT-015, Software and Systems Engineering. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 4 November 2019. This Standard was published on 6 December 2019. The following are represented on Committee IT-015: Australian Computer Society Australian Digital Health Agency Australian Society for Technical Communication (NSW) Department of Defence (Australian Government) Engineers Australia Griffith University ITServiceManagementForumAustralia NSW Business Chamber Systems Engineering Society of Australia University of New South Wales University of SouthernQueensland University of Technology Sydney This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR AS IS0/IEC/IEEE 42020:2019. Keeping Standards up-to-date Ensure you have the latest versions of our publications and keep up-to-date about Amendments, Rulings, Withdrawals, and new projects by visiting: ISBN 978 1 76072 644 7 ASISO/IEC/IEEE42020:2019 ISO/IEC/IEEE42020:2019 Australian STANDARD Software,systems and enterprise Architecture processes First published as AS ISO/IEC/IEEE 42020:2019. COPYRIGHT @ISO/IEC/IEEE2019-All rights reserved @StandardsAustraliaLimited2019 All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher, unless otherwise permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). ii ASISO/IEC/IEEE42020:2019 Preface ThisStandardwaspreparedbytheAustralianmembersoftheJointStandardsAustralia/Standards NewZealand CommitteeIT-015,Softwareand Systems Engineering. After consultation with stakeholders in both countries, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand decided to develop this Standard as anAustralian Standard rather thanan Australian/New Zealand Standard. The objective of this Standard is to establish a set of process descriptions for the governance and management of a collection of architectures and the architecting of entities. This document also establishes an enablement process description that provides support to these other architectureprocesses. Theprocessesdefinedinthisdocumentareapplicableforasingleproject,aswell asforanorganization performing multipleprojects.These processes are applicablethroughout the life ofan architecture or a collection ofarchitectures.Theseprocesses areapplicableformanagingandperforming theactivities withinanystageinthelifecycleofthearchitectureentities. AnnexD describes therelationships between this document and other standards This Standard is identicalwith,andhasbeen reproduced from,IS0/IEcIEEE42020:2019,Software, systemsandenterprise-Architectureprocesses. As this document has been reproduced froman International Standard,afull point substitutesfor a commawhenreferringtoadecimalmarker. Australian or Australian/New Zealand Standards that are identical adoptions of international normative references may be used interchangeably.Refer to the online catalogue for information on specific Standards. The terms"normative" and“informative"are used in Standards to define the application of the Standard, whereas an"informative"appendix or annex is onlyfor information and guidance. @StandardsAustraliaLimited2019 ii ASIS0/IEC/IEEE42020:2019 Contents Preface ..ii Foreword .vi. o Introduction 1 Scope. 2 Normativereferences 3 Terms and definitions ..1 4 Conformance. .6 4.1 General. .6 4.2 Approach to conformance 4.3 Full conformance cases .6 4.4 Tailored conformance 1 5 Processoverviewandapplication 5.1 General. .7 5.2 Relationshipofarchitecturetootherprocesses andinformation elements 5.3 ArchitectureGovernanceandManagementprocesses. .10 5.4 Architecture Conceptualization,Evaluation and Elaborationprocesses .10 5.5 ArchitectureEnablement

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ISO IEC IEEE 42020-2019(E) Software, systems and enterprise—Architecture processes 第 1 页 ISO IEC IEEE 42020-2019(E) Software, systems and enterprise—Architecture processes 第 2 页 ISO IEC IEEE 42020-2019(E) Software, systems and enterprise—Architecture processes 第 3 页
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